
Just a thought on war

  I wrote most of this post in June 2017. I don’t remember what was happening in the news to bring my thoughts to war at that time, but when I decided to return to blogging, this post was the only one of that prior batch that seemed relevant to today.   War has a heavy hand that bruises everyone it touches no matter how slight and passing the touch. Even those who never experienced more than the Cold War grew up marked by that experience. "Duck and cover" were words carved into children's hearts across America, perhaps across Russia as well.  In my childhood people built bomb shelters underground in their backyards and openly discussed whether to shoot neighbors who tried to enter their shelters, making no attempt to hide those    discussions from their children.  I went to one school that required students in k thru 8 to wear military style dog tags on chains around their necks. We were inspected for those metal tags every morning and those who forgot them were sen